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Who we are.

Disconnect your mind. Reboot your soul.



Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

Mark Twain



Long story short.

This is who we are.

We're Marco, Nevi and Linnea. We're originally from Berlin earning our money in advertising and the arts business. As a counter balance to our busy lifes, we were always dreaming of a little hide away, tucked somewhere, where the world can't find us. So far so good - with a new born and a busy life, the idea got postponed.

A dream comes true - by coincidence.

Marcos parents moved to Sweden, where we visited them quite often. Just as we did on this average April day in 2018, when somebody knocked at the door. Here you don't have people knocking that much at your front door - so we were kind a suprised, when the man in front of us said: "Hej - i'm your neighbor!"

How much is "a lot more"?

"I would like to sell my property - are you interested" he went on. Of course we were. Having a rough idea of the house on the other side of the street, we agreed for a little walk. "It's not just what you see here" he moved on, "it's a lot more, 20 hectare to be precise - roughly 23 soccer fields". Nice!





A pandemic story.

We bought the place and started renovating it, whenever we had the time to come to Sweden. But then in the year 2020 it all changed. The "wave" hit Germany, our art fair got banned, we just had cancelled our appartment a few weeks before and now this? What shall we do? The last available airplane brought us to Stockholm.

Whatever the weather – move on.

So kind of stranded, we took the challenge and made plans for our future. With our strong background in the hospitality business it became clear, that Karlsmon is going to be the perfect place for eco-tourism. We have it all here - except the money to bring our vibrant ideas to life. So we had to start small.

First step into a new direction.

So - now you're here: It's 2023. The dome is ready and we're looking forward to welcome our first guests. But we're not stopping here. The next goals are already planned, just waiting to be executed: Cabins in the wood! But before that please disconnect your mind and reboot your soul.